January 2014

In the January issue of Edina Magazine, you'll meet three Edina families who chose to adopt children from other parts of the world - a decision they say has expanded their cultural horizons. You'll also learn about luxury senior living facilities in Edina and the history of the Edina Police Department, among many other topics. Pick up a copy today!

In the 1950s, garden clubs sprouted up throughout Edina like tulips in the spring. Housewives moving to the booming suburb looked for ways to grow flowers in their new backyards and form friendships with their new neighbors. They found both in neighborhood garden clubs.


Creek Valley Elementary hosted a Parents' Night Out Casino Evening on November 8. All photos by Andreasen Photography.


The steel horse awaits you. Kristen Piersa Kregel’s Number Seven, a life-size steel horse made from real horseshoes, won first place in the 2013 People’s Choice Awards of the Edina Public Art Sculpture Exhibit.


Blogs have developed into more than online diaries, political rants or celebrity gossip. Many blogs serve as educational resources that cover a wide variety of topics. Some bloggers dedicated to sharing useful information live or work right here in Edina.


Before the classic black-and-white squad cars began protecting the streets of Edina, Percy Redpath was the city’s one-man police department.


If the walls could talk in the great room of Debra Schipper’s Minnetonka home, they would have a lot to say. Her powerhouse of an organization where gifted kids who are also identified on the autism spectrum can learn important social skills began in that very room—with just 12 students.


As we age, it can sometimes feel like opportunities for exercise—let alone exercise that feels good—are harder and harder to find. And yet, for folks over 50, it’s more important than ever to stay active.


The Edina High School Thespians will perform two plays this month: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rhinoceros.


Gary Rohrer is no stranger to victory. The Edina resident has won 37 national championships in handball, in both singles and doubles, and recently added four more feathers to his cap.


The Edina Federated Women’s Club, which was “founded on friendship and strengthened by service”, will hold its Fed’s Fest fundraiser on January 4 at the Westin Galleria. Tickets to the event cost $100 per person.


It is 1964, and 11-year-old Fin Hadley sits in the passenger seat of a Kharmann Ghia speeding towards Greenwich Village and away from rural Connecticut. In the cramped back seat is his dog Gus. At the wheel is Lady Hadley, Fin’s 24-year-old half-sister.


Nominated for two regional Emmy awards in 2013, Edina Community Channel 16 is ramping up for another exciting year. Video production coordinator Scott Denfeld says efforts will be focused on Enterprise Edina, a show that highlights local businesses and what they offer to Edina.


Helping a family member or patient who has been diagnosed with memory loss can be difficult, especially without formal training.


The Edina Senior Center hosts many activities and events throughout the year. One of these is the Caregiver Support Group. This program is devoted to caregivers, be it for an elderly parent or a spouse with special needs. The group meets on the first Thursday of every month from 1 to 2:30 p.m.


The new year presents an opportune time to tackle a resolution. Among top resolutions is organizing one’s space. The office in particular presents a challenge for many.


Hearty food takes a bite out of teeth-chattering, January cold. Northern European fare that celebrates the season with a touch of Scandinavian flavor is an edible cure for the winter doldrums. Root vegetables have a starchy consistency that makes any dish more filling.


As fans, we find a star’s life fascinating. Their hangouts seem cooler, their favorite foods tastier and their clothing choices hipper. Despite these intriguing qualities, at the heart, stars are like you and me.


Edina seniors ready to modify their living arrangements need not modify their preferences for luxury, privacy and a comfortable quality of life. As the population ages, the search for suitable senior housing rises to the top of to-do lists for many local families.


For Lynn Franz and Joe Krueger, adopting Nathanael was only the first step in what has become a lifelong relationship with Guatemala. The 6-year-old is one of a handful of international adoptees who attend Cornelia Elementary.